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Introduction to Biopsychology

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Introduction to the course 12/10/2015

Neuroanatomy 19/10/2015

Cellular building blocks, membranes and potentials 26/10/205

Intercellular communication,psychopharmacology and neurotransmitters 02/11/2015

Research methods and animal models in biopsychology 09/11/2015

Neural basis of emotion 16/11/2015

Motivational systems and incentive salience 23/11/2015

Neural basis of drug addiction 30/11/2015

Neural basis of schizophrenia 07/12/2015

History of biological treatments for psychological disorders


A full description of the topics, course and assessment is available in the file store area (Introduction to Biopsychology Course Handbook 2015-2016).

Psychology seeks to understand and explain human behaviour from various perspectives; the physical substrates of human behaviour is central to any examination of human psychology. Knowledge and understanding of the structure and function of the brain, and other bodily systems is necessary to appreciate complex phenomena such as mental illness, motivated behaviour and emotion.

You will be taught by an expert biopsychologist, who is research active and who is passionate about her subject.