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Travelling in the Middle Ages

Class at Faculty of Humanities |

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1. Primary and secondary sources

2. Roads and means of travelling

3. Viking migration

4. Knight crusaders

5. Itinerant Kings and Queens

6. Diplomats on the road

7. Peripatetic ecclesiastics

8. University peregrination

9. Pilgrimages

10. Trade and traders

11. Itinerant craftsmen

12. Libri viatici: portable books

13. Final test   Required readings: LABARGE, Margaret Wade. Medieval Travellers: The Rich and Restless. London: Phoenix,

1982. ISBN: 0-75382-041-2. OHLER, Norbert. The Medieval Traveller. Woodbridge: The Boydel Press,

1989. ISBN: 978-1-84383-507-3.


The course provides students with insights into different aspects of medieval travelling. Source criticism to contemporary sources (chronicles, travel accounts, itineraries, books of travels, charters, etc.) within major topics

(such as war campaigns, pilgrimage, university peregrination, diplomacy, trade and crafts) constitutes an important feature of the course.