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The Human Condition: Introduction to Philosophical Anthropology

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1. Introduction: Metaphors of human life. Stages, transformations, generations. A. The beginnings2. The untainted beginning: Arendt, Habermas, and the conditio humana.

3. Childhood, Immediacy, Innocence, Kierkegaard.

4. The Darwinian legacy and controversy.

5. Becoming human I. First transformation (the unnaturalness of humankind). B. Akme: the fullness of life6. Becoming human II. Second transformation (individuality and society)7. The responsible age: ethical life (Hegel) and struggles of individuality (Jaspers).

8. What is a worthy life (well-being, flourishing). The future perfect humankind: transhumanism C. Old age9. Becoming human III. Third transformation (care for the soul).

10. Sickness, death and the condition of mortality.11. The aging animal.

12. The disturbing idea of immortality.

13. Concluding class: are we human, yet? ----------------------------- Recommended readings: Sokol, J., Thinking about Ordinary Things. A Short Invitation to Philosophy, Karolinum

2013. Arendt, H., The Human Condition, University of Chicago Press

1998. Further readings: Beauvoir, S., The Coming of Age, G.P. Putnam's Sons

1972. Darwin, Ch., On the Origin of Species, Oxford University Press

2008.Descartes, R., Meditations on First Philosophy, Oxford University Press

2008.Feuerbach, L., The Essence of Christianity (any edition).Habermas, J., The Future of Human Nature, Polity Press

2003.Hegel, G.W.F, Phenomenology of Spirit, Oxford University Press

1977.Kant, I., Practical Philosophy, Cambridge University Press

2012.Kierkegaard, S., The Concept of Anxiety, Princeton University Press

1980.Marx, K., "Estranged Labor", in Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, Prometheus Books 1988, p. 69-84.Patočka, J., Heretical Essays in the Philosophy of History, Open Court

1996.Sirois F.M. & Pychyl T.A. (eds.), Procrastination, Health, and Well-Being, Academic Press/Elsevier



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