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Introduction to Research Methods in Social Sciences

Class at Faculty of Humanities |

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* Mandatory:

PUNCH, K. F.: Introduction to social research: quantitative and qualitative approaches. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications. 2012.

* Recommended:

BRYMAN, A.: Social research methods. Oxford, Oxford University Press. 2016.

HAMMERSLEY, M., ATKINSON, P.: Ethnography: principles in practice. Milton Park, Abingdon: Routledge. 2007. COOLICAN, H.: Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology, New York: Routledge. 2013.


This introductory course is designed for second year students, and it has three primary aims: 1) it aims to provide basic understanding of the theoretical and practical differences between quantitative and qualitative research in the social sciences; 2) the course will prepare students for the methodological part of the Comprehensive Exam in

Social Sciences (CESS) which is mandatory for all the students of the study program; 3) completing this course offers a first step towards the skills students need to design and conduct their own thesis research within social sciences (in case they choose so).

The course consists of 13 x 80-minute teaching workshops (weekly). The workshops combine lectures and practical work, where basic features of qualitative and quantitative research are explained theoretically, followed by their application via small-scale research projects that students will conduct in groups.

Syllabus: 1. Introduction to the course (aims, outcomes, assessment) 2. Introduction to quantitative research, experiments, and hypothesis testing 3. Designing quantitative studies 4. Study design and development (group work) 5. Introduction to quantitative data analysis (tests of difference, tests of association) 6. Data analysis and interpretation (group work) 7. How to write a quantitative research report 8. Introduction to qualitative research, participant observation, and interview 9. Designing qualitative studies 10. Fieldwork (group work) 11. Introduction to qualitative data analysis (segmentation, coding, memoing) 12. Data analysis and interpretation (group work) 13. How to write a qualitative research report