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Christian Symbolism

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* Mandatory: CIRLOT, J E. A Dictionary of Symbols.

Mineola, New York: Dover Publications, 2013. HALL, J. Dictionary of subjects and symbols in art.

New York: Harper & Row, 1974. ELIADE, M. Images, and symbols: studies in religious symbolism.

Michigan: Sheed & Ward, 1961. ELIADE, M. Methodological Remarks on the Study of Religious Symbolism.


KITAGAVA (eds.). The History of Religions.

Essays in Methodology. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1970. * Recommended: JENNER, K.

L. Christian Symbolism.

Chicago: A.C. McClurg & Company, 1910. WEBBER, F.

R. Church symbolism; an explanation of the more important symbols of the Old and New Testament, the primitive, the medieval and the modern church.

Cleveland: J. H.

Jansen, 1927. DANIÉLOU, J. Les symboles chrétiens primitifs.

Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 1961. ROYT, J, HAMSÍKOVÁ, D. Slovník biblické ikonografie.

Praha: Univ. Karlova, Nakl.

Karolinum, 2006. RULÍŠEK, H. Postavy, atributy, symboly: slovník křesťanské ikonografie.

Alšova jihočeská galerie: Hluboká nad Vltavou, 2005. 21 Feb  Symbol and symbolism I.  a short theoretical introduction; What is the aim of this seminar?; One Methodological remarks; Concerning Bibliography; Overview of seminar; Final examination; A definition of symbol; Material symbols; Verbal symbols in mystery religion; Divination; Theory of symbol; Claude Lévi-Strauss; Victor Turner; Ernst Cassirer; Mircea Eliade 28 Feb Symbol and symbolism II. Symbols of the Jesus Christ Iconography;Christian iconography; Iconography and liturgy; Iconoclasm; Symbolism and iconography of Jesus Christ; Apollo type, philosopher type; Orpheus; Good Shepherd; Typology; Lamb of God; Fish; Pelican; Peacock; Lion; Gryph 6 Mar  Symbols of the Father and the Holy Ghost.

Dextra Dei; Old man; Thronus Gratiae; All seeing Eye; Creator star; The name of God; Holy Ghost; Descending dove:; Six winged dove:; Eagle; Dove as the source of inspiration:; Holy ghost as the flame or fire; Young boy, new borne baby; Young man; Gifts of Spirit; 13 Mar Symbols of the Trinity The doctrine of Trinity; Three fundamental heresies; Monarchianism; Subordinationism; Council of Nicaea; Council of Constantinople; The filioque; Tritheism, council of Chalcedon; Summary of the doctrine of Trinity; Iconography of Trinity; Trinity in the form of three human persons; Three-cephalic depiction of the Trinity; Geometrical symbols of the Trinity 20 Mar The Nimbus and the Aureole. Nimbus; Pre-Christian using of nimbi; Nimbus of Roman Emperors; Typology of Christian nimbus; Forms of nimbus; Circular nimbus; Square nimbus; Cruciform nimbus; Lozenge, triangular and hexagonal type of nimbus; Aureola; Colours; Example of baroque using of nimbus; 27 Mar Symbol of the Cross and Crucifixion.

Crucifixion as a punishment; Legenda Aurea; Alexamenos graffito; Gemstones; Pereire jasper; Nott gem; Constanza gem; Orpheus-bakkikos cylinder; Typology of cross; Latin and Greek cross; Eastern Cross and Cross Saltier; Patriarchal and Papal cross; Tau cross and Celtic cross; 3 Apr  Symbols and types of the Virgin Mary. Marian dogmas; Council of Ephesus; Council of Lateran; Immaculate Conception; Assumption; Virgo Maria Orans; Virgo Lactans, Maria lactans; Madonna with Child; The Virgin sheltering supplicants under her cloak; La Soledad, Mater Dolorosa, the Seven Sorrows of the Virgin;; Pieta; Immaculata; Assumpta and Corronata; Annunciation.; Visitation; 10 Apr The Archangels and the Angels I.

The worship of angels; Synod of Laodicea; Synods at Soissons and Rome; Cults of angels in Churches; Seven angels; Names of angels; Dumbarton Oak Amethyst; Anguipede; Michael; Gabriel; Raphael; Uriel; 17 Apr The Archangels and the Angels II. Angelology of Dionysius the Areopagite; Overview of Dionysius’s hierarchy; Famous depictions of Dionysios’ angelic system; Seraphim (σεραφείμ); Cherubim (χεροuβίμ); Thrones (θρόνοι); Dominations (κυριότητες); Virtues (δυνάμεις); Powers (ὲξουσίαι); Principalities (ἀρχαί); Archangels (ἀρχάγγελοι); Angels (ἄγγελοι); Creation of angels; 24 Apr Canceled, graduation ceremonies; 1 May Canceled, public holiday; 8 May Canceled, public holiday; 13  May (Moday, 16:50)  — Final examination (test — fifteen multiple choice questions; five open questions)


The seminar introduces students to the problem of Christian symbols and symbolism; the general problem of symbol and religious symbolism will be dealt with during the analysis of phenomenology of some Christian symbols (as for example cross, nimbus, aureola; symbols of Trinity, Holy Ghost, Virgin Mary; common attributes given to angels, apostles, and saints).

1) Symbol and symbolism - a short theoretical introduction.

2) The Symbols of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

3) The Symbols of the Trinity.

4) The Nimbus and the Aureole.

5) The Symbol of the Cross and Crucifixion. The Sacred monograms.

6) The Symbols and types of the Virgin Mary.

7) The Symbols of the Archangels and the Angels

8) The Symbols of the Evangelists

9) The Symbols of the Apostles.

10) The Symbols of the more important Saints.

11) The Symbols of the Devil and Daemons.

12) The lesser symbolism.