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Seminar in Social Psychology

Class at Faculty of Humanities |

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The Seminar in Social Psychology will be organised around discussions about core scientific texts and related audiovisual materials. For each seminar lesson, students should read a text and watch associated video in advance. 

The particular texts and audiovisual materials linked to each seminar lecture will be updated weekly.

The examination will be held in the form of essay (2000 words based on scientific literature review; the topic will be presented at the end of the semester). 

The course helps as a support for CESS Exam preparation.   


(1) Cialdini, R., & Trost, M. (1998). Social influence, social norms conformity and compliance. In: Gilbert, D.T. - Friske, S. - Lindzey, G. (eds.): The Handbook of Social Psychology. New York: MC Graw-Hill. 

(2) Milgram, S. (1992). The individual and authority. In S. Milgram, The individual in a social world. Essays and experiments. (125-190). New York: MC Graw-Hill. 

(3) Darley, J. M., & Latané, B (1968). Bystander intervention in emergencies: Diffusion of responsibility. Journal of Personality and Social psychology, 1968 (8), 4, pp. 377-383. 

(4) Zimbardo, P. (2007). The Lucifer effect. How good people turn evil. London: Ebury Publishing. (258-323; 444-491. Chapter 12, 13 and 16).  

(5) Tajfel, H., & Turner, J.C. The social identity theory of intergroup behaviour (The theory of intergroup conflict, 1979). In Jost, J. T. (Ed); Sidanius, J. (Ed), (2004). Political psychology: Key readings. Key readings in social psychology., (pp. 276-293). New York, NY, US: Psychology Press. 

Recommended literature:

(6) Zimbardo et al (1974): A study of prisoners and guards in a simulated prison.    

COVID-19 Note: 

Being there another lockdown and the situation prevents us from meeting in-person, each text and video will be associated with written assessment (á 500 words around a question I will present you) followed by my elaborated feedback. 

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The Seminar in Social psychology aims to familiarize students with core texts in the field, develop academic skills and foster critical thinking of students in themes associated to social psychology. The Seminar will be organized around reading core academic texts in social psychology, watching related audiovisual materials, discussions and written assessments.