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Prague – Edinburgh Summer School in History

Class at Faculty of Humanities |


February 21 – May 31

Students are reading an important book. Writing assignment 1:  1000 words summary derived from reading : Richard Whatmore, What Is Intellectual History?, Cambridge: Polity Press, 20164 (pp. 1 - 66).  Summary should reach PESSH MS Teams assignments by 31 May 2022.

July 11 - 14, 2022

Students are participating on the Summer school, July 11 – 14, Faculty of Humanities. Detailed programme will be published here and via MS Teams group PESSH by the end of April.

Provisional list of lectures to be given by members of the University of Edinburgh, Professor Thomas Ahnert (TA) and Dr Alasdair Raffe  (AR), is as follows:

Religion and Secularisation in the Enlightenment (TA)

Commerce and Luxury in Enlightenment Debates (TA)

Historical Writing in the Enlightenment (TA)

The Origins of the Scottish Enlightenment  (AR)

Disciplinary Specialisation and Curricular Change at Universities (AR, with TA?)

The Presbyterian Kirk and intellectual change (AR)

Charles University provisional list of lecturers: Prof. Markéta Křížová, PhD. (MK), Doc. Veronika Čapská, PhD. (VČ), Doc. Pavel Himl, PhD. (PH),  Doc. Josef Fulka, PhD. (JF), PhDr. Tomáš Kunca, PhD. (TK).  

Samples of expected lectures and excursions:

Observe, Describe, Create: Police in the Age of Enlightenment and Modern State, 1770–1820 (PH)

Enlightenment as the Revolution in Gift Exchange (VČ)                                                                                   

Reflections and impacts of (American) slavery in Central and Eastern Europe, 18th-19th century (MK)

Historic Hume /  Very British images of the 18th century slavery vindication: Thomas Newton, David Hume and James Boswell  (TK)                                                                                                                                   

Excursion/guided tour to Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Culture (MK)


´Prague – Edinburgh Summer School in History: The Enlightenment Studies´ is a course dedicated to students interested in history, including intellectual history, and philosophy, presenting variety of discourses in the broad field of “Enlightenment Studies”. This course is offered thanks to ERASMUS+ cooperation between Charles University (Faculty of Humanities) and University of Edinburgh (School of History, Classics and Archaeology) and is of a particular importance for students intending to apply for ERASMUS+ stay at the University of Edinburgh for the academic year of 2022/23.

Students are expected to read a selection from an important book and write a 1000 words summary (Writing assignment 1, deadline 31 May), participate in person on the Summer school (11 – 14/15 July, 2022, Faculty of Humanities; 6 academic lectures by scholars from Edinburgh, 6 academic lectures by scholars from Prague, 2 excursion/guided tour), and write a 2000 words final essay (Writing assignment 2, deadline 4 September). Students are advised to apply for admission to MS team PESSH.