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Philosophical Reading Group: 19th and 20th Century Philosophy

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The list of readings in class:  1 Arendt, H., The Human Condition, University of Chicago Press 1998, chapters: "Prologue", "Vita Activa and the human condition", "The term Vita activa", p. 1-17.2 Kierkegaard, S., The Concept of Anxiety, Princeton University Press 1980, chapters: "The Concept of Anxiety", "Anxiety as the presupposition of hereditary sin...", p. 41-51.3 Habermas, J., The Future of Human Nature, Polity Press 2003, chapter: "Are there post-metaphysical answers to the question: what is the "Good life"?", p. 1-15.4 Darwin, Ch., On the Origin of Species, Oxford University Press 2008, chapter: "Natural Selection", p. 63-100.5 Kant, I., Practical Philosophy, Cambridge University Press 2012, chapter: "An answer to the question: What is enlightenment?", p. 11-22.6 Hegel, G.W.F, Phenomenology of Spirit, Oxford University Press 1977, chapter: "Lordship and Bondage", p. 111-119.7 Sirois, F. M., "Introduction: Conceptualizing the Relations of Procrastination to Health and Well-Being", in F.M.

Sirois & T.A. Pychyl (eds.), Procrastination, Health, and Well-Being, Academic Press/Elsevier 2016, p. 1-20.8 Descartes, R., Meditations on First Philosophy, Oxford University Press 2008, chapters: "First Meditation", "Second Meditation", p. 13-24.9 Marx, K., "Estranged Labor", in Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, Prometheus Books 1988, p. 69-84.10 Patočka, J., Heretical Essays in the Philosophy of History, Open Court 1996, Chapters: Fifth or Sixth Essays, p. 95-118 or 119-138. 11 Beauvoir, S., The Coming of Age, G.P.

Putnam's Sons 1972, chapters: Introduction & Preface, p. 1-13.


Tento seminář umožní vážnějším zájemcům o kontinentální filosofii 19. a 20. století podílet se na tradici důkladného čtení primárního textu. Smyslem je porozumět předpokladům porozumění náročným filosofickým dílům, která vyžadují opatrné a vnímavé čtení.

V zimním semestru 2022 začneme Kierkegaardovým Pojmem úzkosti. Další text budeme domlouvat spolu s účastníky kurzu.