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Body and Soul in Ancient Philosophy

Class at Faculty of Humanities |


The course will focus on Plato's and Aristotle's view on soul and body, yet we will also touch upon some of their predecesors (Homer, presocratics) as well as some of the later hellenic philosophers (Epicurus, stoics).

The origins: Homer & presocratics

Plato: Phaedo

Plato: Timaeus - body & soul of the universe; immortal souls

Plato: Timaeus - mortal souls and bodies; sense perception

Plato: Timaeus - mortal souls (cont.); plants; other animals

Aristotle: On the Soul (introduction)

Aristotle: On the Soul - sense perception

Aristotle: On the Soul - phantasia

Aristotle: On the Soul - nous & logos

Aristotle: On the Soul - movement




The course will take a look at how ancient Greek philosophy conceptualized relation between body and soul. After an overview of presocratic philosophers, we will focus on two prominent figures of Plato and Aristotle. The course will address several traditional issues: soul's immortality; soul's relation to the body; parts of soul; functions of soul (perception, thinking; desires and appetites) etc. Key primary sources: Plato - Phaedo, Phaedrus, Respublic,

Timaeus; Aristotle - On the Soul.