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AJ - Advanced VI.

Class at Faculty of Humanities |

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Fourteen 80-minute seminars in the 2017/2018 winter term. The preliminary course plan is as follows.


Plan 1

Unit 1, 2

Unit 2, paper 1 3

Unit 3, paper 1 4

Unit 4, paper 1 5

Unit 5, paper 1 6

Unit 5, paper 1+ questions 7 midterm paper submission 8

Unit 6, paper 2 9

Unit 7, paper 2 10

Unit 7, paper 2 11

Unit 8, paper 2 12

Unit 9, paper 2 13

Unit 10, paper 2 + questions 14 final paper submission  


Remedial English for students who receive instruction in English, detailed information and syllabus will be available at first lesson.