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Remedial English

Class at Faculty of Humanities |


Remedial English – Course Description:

This remedial course in the English language aims at improving the students' reading, writing, speaking and listening skills and enhancing their accuracy. The syllabus is subject to adjustments in order to meet the students’ needs.

Study texts will be partly drawn from English textbooks, nevertheless, they will mostly come from a number of authentic sources, such as news articles, films, video lectures, books, and English song lyrics. We will combine grammar points (eg. the tenses), idioms and phrasal verbs with classroom discussion. Our vocabulary and awareness of the register (i.e. formal English versus informal English) and the language material used both in classroom discussion and homework will begin on a basic level and slowly increase in difficulty over the term.

Students are expected to be present and to participate in class regularly. Homework will include completing short exercises, answering reading comprehension questions, writing short summaries, and so on. Classroom work will often involve discussion with classmates, listening to and watching videos, and error correction. Grades will be based on class attendance, class participation, and homework.