28.11. dismissed
\r\n4.12. 2nd half of the 20th Century. The State and Sexuality (after WWII) (296-297, 301-306, 306-313) Marie Sophie Josepha Kassing, Tereza Fišerová, Karolina Vojtenko
\r\n12.12. 2nd half of the 20th Century. The 1960s transition (321-338) Marie Martina Pawlik, Oktawia Barnabas, Anastasia Brunets
\r\n19.12. 2nd half of the 20th Century. Personal politics and moral conservativism (1970s) (Chapters: Second-wave feminism, The Thatcherite experiment, The AIDS crisis) Barbora Kyselová, Tereza Kamarýtová, Polina
\r\n2.1. holiday
\r\n9.1. Recent developments. A New World? (chapters: introduction 391-395, Intimacy 395-398, Families 398-402, Gender revolution 402-405, Values 415-417) Magdalena Matoušková, Veronika Dostálová, Veronika Marková, Edita Wojtkowska
","inLanguage":"en"}]}Lecturer: Filip Herza
- regular participation (3 absences allowed)
- group presentation
- final discussion
Throughout the course of the semester we'll be reading and discussing selected chapters from:
Weeks, Jeffrey. 2018. Sex, Politics And Society: The Regulation Of Sexuality Since 1800. Fourth edition. New York, NY.
PROGRAME: 3.10. introduction 10.10. Victorian Sexuality I. Introduction (27-42) Jia Yi Huang, Susanna Salla Virtanen, Nana 17.10. Victorian Sexuality II. Femininity and Masculinity, Birth control, Childhood (47-64) Eva Gaudet, Anna Gilliland, Juanita Ilona Wilemsen 24.10. Victorian Sexuality III. Social and Legal Regulations of Prostitution (100-114) Sophie Monteil, Anna Davis, Maya Lea Wood 31.10. Victorian Sexuality IV. Construction of Homosexuality (119-125, 134-142) Anna Chejnová, Petra Smutná, Edita Korshynska 7.11. 1st half of the 20th Century. Population policy and Eugenics (158-176) Polina 14.11. 1st half of the 20th Century. Sexology and Sexual reforms (182-195) Barbora Němcová, Nina Brestovanská, Anne 21.11. 1st half of the 20th Century. Towards a Conservative Modernity (254-269) Natálie Lisnerová, Arzum, Karlijn 28.11. dismissed 4.12. 2nd half of the 20th Century. The State and Sexuality (after WWII) (296-297, 301-306, 306-313) Marie Sophie Josepha Kassing, Tereza Fišerová, Karolina Vojtenko 12.12. 2nd half of the 20th Century. The 1960s transition (321-338) Marie Martina Pawlik, Oktawia Barnabas, Anastasia Brunets 19.12. 2nd half of the 20th Century. Personal politics and moral conservativism (1970s) (Chapters: Second-wave feminism, The Thatcherite experiment, The AIDS crisis) Barbora Kyselová, Tereza Kamarýtová, Polina 2.1. holiday 9.1. Recent developments. A New World? (chapters: introduction 391-395, Intimacy 395-398, Families 398-402, Gender revolution 402-405, Values 415-417) Magdalena Matoušková, Veronika Dostálová, Veronika Marková, Edita Wojtkowska
Does body have a history? How do we write history of body and embodiment? The goal of this seminar is to introduce different approaches to the issue of body, that are being debated in the contemporary social sciences and historiography. Hence, students will have the chance to get familiar with various research traditions, including the history of science and medicine, gender history, studies of race and racism, sexuality and disability.
The scope of the seminar is transnational and transhistorical, offering an insight into different historical periods as well as different regions of Europe, from the Medieval France to the 20 th -century Czechoslovakia. Within this wide frame, we will address various issues such as body symbolism, body politics, politics of bodily difference, sexuality, the question of ab/normality and the history of beauty ideals.
The aim of the seminar is to offer basic orientation in the current history of body and also to develop and refine reading and discussion skills of all participants.