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ENG - Advanced III.

Class at Faculty of Humanities |


The course will use the English File Advanced English textbook during class. 80% attendence is required to be able to take the exam at the end of the semester. The course will be based on the material in the textbook focusing on  practical use of English skills such as grammatical proficiency, vocabulary development , reading skills  and discussing texts and  developing  listening skills. Authentic listening texts such as BBC reports will be used in class. There will also be  class discusssion of the topics presented int the textbook.

There will be a written test at the end of the semester.

The students should be aware that the class will start on time. The students must arrive on time. No excuses for coming late will be accepted. The students must remain in class the entire 80 minutes. The class wil finish on time every week so that the students will not be late for their next class.

The students must begin to attend the class the first class after they register for the class.


Students of Advanced English will be required to write a credit essay before the final exam at the end of the semester. The topic will be announced in class. The length will be about 500 words or more. Plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated. The students have a maxium of two absences. Attendance is required in order to be able to take the final exam at the end of the semester. The essay must be turned in on time to be able to take the final credit test.

The students should be aware that the class will start on time. The students must arrive on time. No excuses for coming late will be accepted. The students must remain in class the entire 80 minutes. The class will finish on time every week so that the students will not be late for their next class.

The students must begin attending the class the first class after they register for the class.