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Czech Intermediate

Class at Faculty of Humanities |


The syllabus covers revision and extension of key grammatical and lexical areas and develops the students’ communicative competence. All language skills (speaking, reading, listening and writing) will be targeted and practiced in class as well as assigned for homework.

The course book is Česky krok za krokem 1 by Lída Holá and the syllabus of the course will follow the content of units 13 - 18. Students need to bring ithe book to classes.

Topics: 1. Seznámení, opakování 2. Výmluvy a přání: Kondicionál 3. Mluvíme o počasí: Adverbia, adjektiva, komparace 4. Móda včera a dnes: Dativní konstrukce 5. Stěhujeme se: Prepozice 6. Etapy života: Instrumentál  


Czech Intermediate is a two-semester course designed for students who have already studied Czech and reached level A1. If your level is higher than B1 (certificate or study at a Czech university in Czech language), please do not register.

Coursebook: ČESKY KROK ZA KROKEM 1 (

Attendance is mandatory (min. 75%).