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From Landscape to Abstraction

Class at Faculty of Humanities |

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Témata:1. Prázdno a neviditelné v romantické krajinomalbě2. "Nevinné oko" kontra naučené vidění3. Obrazy vzhůru nohama4. od krajiny k vesmírnému řádu5. imaginace skvrny6. arabeska a hieroglyfická krajina7. pohled do slunce a do mlhy8. geometrie, struktura, beztvarost9. krajina v hlavě


This course, designed as a weekend workshop, focuses on the relationship between modern landscape painting and abstract art. In contrast with the old tradition of China or Japan, the European modern way of perceiving nature, which has its origins in new aesthetic and philosophical conceptions, emerged only in the mid-eighteenth century in connection with the new theories of cognition and perception, as well as social, technical and economic changes.

Already, in Romanticism, nature was considered to be distant and different from a perceiver, adding meanings to it. Shifts to autonomous abstract painting, based on abstracting the landscape, are present in works of Turner, Kandinskij, Mondrian and many other painters.