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Guided Reading - Bourdieu - Outline of a Theory of Practice

Class at Faculty of Humanities |

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Sociolog Pierre Bourdieu je řazen k proudu tzv. kritické angažované sociologie, pokoušející se o propojení dosud zdánlivě nesouvisejících pohledů sociologie subjektivistické a objektivistické. V sedmi kapitolách vysvětluje autor klíčové termíny svých teorií.


This is one of the "Important Books" listed for the guided reading programme at the Faculty of Humanities; as an integral part of the undergraduate liberal curriculum, this programme offers an opportunity to enhance students' knowledge in the humanities and social sciences, and thus helps the students not only to improve their preparation for the compulsory comprehensive exams, but also to gain deeper insight into the subject matters which they pursue in their final bachelor's thesis.