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Doctoral Seminar II.

Class at Faculty of Humanities |


The relevant current program is listed in Microsoft Teams link to teams:

The enrollment is done by computer script. Doctoral students do not enroll in the course themselves. The course usually starts later (after scripted enrollment). It is listed in the schedule as Historical-Sociological Confrontations (under this title you will find the room and time of the course).

The seminar consists of two segments: 1) Presentations of doctoral projects, especially by first year students, and discussion of these projects (it is recommended that you invite your supervisor to present your own project). 2) Guest speakers. The selection of guests reflects the transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary nature of historical sociology. The guest presentation usually lasts 50 minutes, followed by a methodological and substantive discussion of the paper presented.

The purpose of the seminar is to lead PhD students to independent scientific research. The papers presented do not constitute a "tutorial", but are intended to show the diversity of approaches within the social and historical sciences.

The seminar is usually conducted in English. For guests, the choice of language is a matter of their own decision. In agreement with the lecturer, it is possible, exceptionally, to present in Czech. The purpose of this measure is to integrate Czech and foreign PhD students.


Doctoral Seminar has to improve the current work on PhD thesis through the agency of seminars and individual consultations. Presentations and discussions of individual doctoral projects at the Doctoral Seminar have to provide theoretical, methodological and critical feedback to a student.

Thus, the main aim of the Doctoral Seminar is to improve students' ability to create a viable, coherent and well-formulated project proposal with clear objectives, methodology, and clear data collection strategy.