Výuka přibližně jednou za 14 dní v pondělí 15:30-18:20 místnost 2071 Jinonice. Další termíny budou upřesněny na prvním setkání.
Četba k předmětu: u předmětu YDO010 jsou v SIS nahrány pouze soubory na první dvouhodinový blok. Další četbu doktorští studenti získají tím, že se paralelně zaregistrují do kurzu s kódem YMN119.
\"Politická kultura\" je jedním z důležitých pojmů politické vědy, ale také předmětem mnoha diskusí. Koncept je poměrně rozšířený v politické vědě, historii, sociologii, sociální antropologii a dalších sociálních vědách.
Tento kurz poskytuje přehled o hlavních tématech výzkumu politické kultury, k nimž patří: \"Občanská kultura\" Gabriela Almonda a Sidney Verby, novější konceptualizace politické kultury, filozofické a epistemologické diskuse o tomto pojmu, metodologie výzkumu a v neposlední řadě příklady empirických studií, jakož i pokusy o využití v souvisejících oborech.
Výuka kombinuje přednášku a seminář. Hodnocení se bude zakládat na účasti, alespoň jedné prezentaci a seminární práci. Podrobnější informace v anglickém sylabu.
The first session will meet on 02/16 2015 at 15:30, room 2071 Jinonice.
This class meets about once every two weeks on Mondays 15:30-18:20 in the room 2071 Jinonice. The schedule will be announced at the first meeting.
Readings: under the course YDO010 in the SIS, only files for the first two-hour block are uploaded. Doctoral students can gain access to further readings by parallelly registering for the course YMN119.
\"Political culture\" is one of the important concepts of political science, but it has been also the subject of much controversy. Culture seems to be too \"fuzzy\" a concept to do much useful work in political analysis. Yet, the concept remains quite widespread not only in political science, but also in history, sociology, social anthropology and other social sciences.
This course provides a comprehensive overview of the main themes of political culture research program: Gabriel Almond and Sidney Verba’s seminal study on Civic Culture, further attempts at conceptualizing political culture, philosophical and epistemological discussions about the concept of political culture, methodological considerations, examples of empirical studies as well as cases of creative adaptation of the concept in related disciplines.
The classes will combine lectures and seminar-style discussions. Grading will be based on attendance, at least one oral presentation, and a final paper. The readings and full syllabus can be found on the course’s website in the SIS.
","inLanguage":"en"}]}The first session will meet on 02/16 2015 at 15:30, room 2071 Jinonice.This class meets about once every two weeks on Mondays 15:30-18:20 in the room 2071 Jinonice. The schedule will be announced at the first meeting.
Readings: under the course YDO010 in the SIS, only files for the first two-hour block are uploaded. Doctoral students can gain access to further readings by parallelly registering for the course YMN119."Political culture" is one of the important concepts of political science, but it has been also the subject of much controversy. Culture seems to be too "fuzzy" a concept to do much useful work in political analysis. Yet, the concept remains quite widespread not only in political science, but also in history, sociology, social anthropology and other social sciences. This course provides a comprehensive overview of the main themes of political culture research program: Gabriel Almond and Sidney Verba’s seminal study on Civic Culture, further attempts at conceptualizing political culture, philosophical and epistemological discussions about the concept of political culture, methodological considerations, examples of empirical studies as well as cases of creative adaptation of the concept in related disciplines. The classes will combine lectures and seminar-style discussions. Grading will be based on attendance, at least one oral presentation, and a final paper. The readings and full syllabus can be found on the course’s website in the SIS.
"Political culture" is one of the important concepts of political science, but it has been also the subject of much controversy. Culture seems to be too "fuzzy" a concept to do much useful work in political analysis. Yet, the concept remains quite widespread not only in political science, but also in history, sociology, social anthropology and other social sciences.
This course provides a comprehensive overview of the main themes of political culture research program: Gabriel
Almond and Sidney Verba’s seminal study on Civic Culture, further attempts at conceptualizing political culture, philosophical and epistemological discussions about the concept of political culture, methodological considerations, examples of empirical studies as well as cases of creative adaptation of the concept in related disciplines.
The classes will combine lectures and seminar-style discussions. Grading will be based on attendance, at least one oral presentation, and a final paper. The readings and full syllabus can be found on the course’s website in the