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Ethnography: Method and Genre

Class at Faculty of Humanities |

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1. Myslet etnograficky: kouzlo a nesnáze antropologie jako disciplíny   2. Kánon: Malinowski a archetyp terénního výzkumníka + Paradigmata ve vývoji etnografického výzkumu  

Malinowski, Brenislaw (1922 ) Introduction. the Subject, method and Scope of this Inquiry. In B. Malinowski Argonauts of the Western Pacific. New York: Dutton. Pp. 1-25.

Denzin, Lincoln. 2000. The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research. London: Sage, s.14-21, 41-57.

Malinowski Brenislaw (1967) A diary in the Strict sense of the Term.   3. Situovaná znalost  

Liisa Malkki (2007) Tradition and Improvisation in Ethnographic Field Research. In Improvising Theory: Process and Temporality in Ethnographic Fieldwork, A. Cerwonka, L. H. Malkki. University of Chicago Press, s. 162-187.

Asad, Talal (1994) Ethnographic Representation, Statistics, and Modern Power. Social Research 61(1): 55-88.

Hoodfar, Homa (1993) Situating the Anthropologist: A Personal Account of Ethnographic Fieldwork in Three Urban Settings: Tehran , Cairo, and Montreal in V. Amit-Talai and H. Lustiger-Thaler eds. Urban Lives: Fragmentation and Resistance. Toronto.     4. Designování etnografického výzkumu  

M. Burawoy. 1998. The Extended Case Metod. Sociological Tudory 16(1): 4-34.

Hammersly, Atkinson - kap. 2, s. 23-54.

Kutsche, Paul (1998) Field Ethnography. A Manual for Doing Cultural Anthropology. .New Jersey: Blair Press Pp. 14-26.     5. Co je terén  

Marcus, George E. (1995) Ethnography in/of the World System: The Emergence of Multisited Ethnography. Annual Review of Anthropology W. Durham, E.V. Daniel, and B. Schieffelin, eds. Palo Alto: Annual Reviews, Inc. Pp.: 95-117.

Gupta, Akhil, James Ferguson (1997) Discipline and Practice: "The Fields" as Site, Method, and Location in Anthropology. In A. Gupta and J. Ferguson eds. Anthropological Locations Berkeley: University of California Press pp. 1-46.

J. Clifford. 1997. Spatial Practices: Fieldwork, Travel, and the Discipline of Antropology. In Anthropological Locations. A. Gupta a J.Ferguson (eds.). University of Califronia Press, s. 185-222.     6. Perspektiva aktéra (native´s point of view)  

C. Geertz, "From the native’s point of view".   7. Zúčastněné pozorování  

Madden, Being Ethnographic, pp. 59-67, 77-89, 96-105.   8. Etnografický deník + Od poznatků k textu  

J. Clifford. 1990. Notes on (Field)Notes. In Sanjek (ed.). Fieldnotes: The Making of Antropology. Cornell University Press.

Madden, Being Ethnographic, pp. 117-128.Sanjek, Roger (1990) Ethnographic Validity. In R. Sanjek, eds. Fieldnotes. The Makings of Anthropology. Ithaca. Pp. 385-410.     9. Kroky analýzy

Katz, J. 2001. From how to why: On luminous description and causual inference in ethnography (Part I).   10. Etnografie jako text  

Gay y Blasco, P., H. Wardle. 2007. Ethnography as argument. In How to read ethnography. Routledge (s. 96-110).

Clifford. J. 1986. On ethnographic allegory. In Writing Culture. Clifford, Marcus (eds.). UCP 1986.  


Ethnography aims at a) an empathic understanding and representation of the lives of other people and at the same time at b) its objective interpretation. This duality allows ethnography to reflect upon the possibilities of an objective procedure

(ethnography as a method) and to work out various textual strategies (ethnography as a genre). Some authors actually refuse the scientific aspiration of research based on "ethnographic authority". However, in this course we shall proceed from the assumption that this duality is the source of enriching ethnographic analysis. A critique of the means of ethnographic realism should help us discover the inherently dialogical character of the ethnographic situation. The course mostly pay attention to the epistemological, theoretical and methodological properties of participant observation as a distinctive way of researching social reality, characteristic of social anthropology. We should gradually familiarise ourselves with the phases of ethnographic research (conceptualising the field, definition of "place", entry, interaction, data gathering, field-notes, ethnography as a text) and with the analytic and methodological tools of ethnography. The course places emphasis on the constant implication of theory and methodology, the subject and object of research, the analytical tools and the language of science as the prerequisite for a possible objectification of such a subjective enterprise.