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Virtual Campus for Sustainable Europe 2

Class at Faculty of Humanities |

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Kurzy v nabídce pro letní semestr 2013 jsou následující: 1. Udržitelný územní a regionální rozvoj (University of Graz) se v roce 2013/2014 nevyučuje, další kurzy mohou být vypsány na


Students of Charles University in Prague have the opportunity to select from e-learning courses offered through the

Environment Centre's membership in the Virtual Campus for a Sustainable Europe ( The VCSE is a network of

European universities offering e-learning courses on sustainable development taught in English. These multi-disciplinary courses give students the chance to communicate, share ideas and work collaboratively with students throughout Europe, and also to work independently to follow their own interests. E-learning helps students develop skills such as cross-cultural communication, confidence in working with ICTs, and taking responsibility for their own learning. Students are supported and guided by course tutors who create a welcoming and communicative environment. Upon successful completion of an e-learning course, the students receive a certificate outlining the skills they have developed during the course.

The course offered this semester is as follows: 1. Sustainable Spatial and Regional Development (University of Graz). This course, run by the University of Graz, illustrates the various approaches of and concepts for sustainable spatial planning and regional development, with Europe as its main focus of interest. Students gain insight into the history of planning and are asked to examine current projects presented as case studies. Furthermore, the course covers concepts such as New Urbanism and New Regionalism, and also provides a future perspective on sustainable planning.

For further information about the course, please contact Marlene Mader at