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Gender, Race, and Reproductive Justice

Class at Faculty of Humanities |


This course focuses on the intersectional relationships between the politics of reproduction and the constructions of gender, sexuality, race and nation in a variety of historical and socio-political contexts. Historically, constructions of gender and race have been the primary categories, which have determined and maintained the imperatives of reproductive rights and freedoms in all societies. Reproduction is not just a biological process, as Gerlinda Smausova reminds us, it is also a process, which contains more restrictions than prescriptions about who, when and how can and should reproduce. Cultural norms, social institutions and public discourses significantly influence both the social understandings and political/legal expressions of reproduction as well as determine the choices and experiences individuals can have and actively exercise. This course will examine the intersections of stratified reproduction, gender, sexuality, race and nation in order to explore what these reveal about social discourses on "proper" reproductive practices, parenthood, desired nationhood, contemporary eugenics and social justice in the globalized world. Last, but not least, we will look into how how the politics of reproduction fit into the ever more relevant concepts of social justice and sustainability. Covered Topics:

1. Scientific Racism and Racial Violence as a Tool of Colonial Rule

2. Gender and Race in Nazi Population Policy

3. Population Policy and Eugenics as Social Policy

4. Discourses of Reproduction in Communist Eastern Europe

5. Contraception and Sterilization - Emancipation, Discipline, and Eugenics

6. Birth as a Civilizational Discourse

7. Abortion Discourses - Race, Nation, and Morality

8. Reproduction as Business - International Adoptions and Reproductive Tourism

9. Non-Heterosexual Parenthood

10. Men and Reproductive Rights

11. Transnational Parenthood and Reproduction

12. Assisted Reproduction - IVF, Gender Selection, Genetic Screening

12. New Reproductive Technologies - Uterus Transplants, Surrogate Motherhood Unless stated otherwise, the class sessions for the winter semester 2020 will be conducted online through the MSTeams platform. The classes will follow the official schedule. For more information about MSTeams and how to register, see here:…ms/ This course will also use the SIS, moodle and turtitin platforms to manage the course dimensions (for course materials, interactive feedback and submission of papers etc.). As it is impossible to judge and verify personal situations of individual students mandatory attendance in the online sessions is not required. Students, who will miss the online session will not be penalized. However, missing students will need to get in touch with the instructor for information about how make up for the missed session/s. They are also required to submit all course work at the dates specified in the sylabus. If there is a serisous reason for you missing the deadline, get in touch with the instructor prior to the deadline. If the epidemiological situation permits us to return to in-person classes, you will be informed ahead of time. The course management system will remain without changes throughout the semester. The exam and final evaluations will také the form indicated in the sylabus.