The first two classes will be online in Moodle to leave students enough time to come to the Czech Republic. The rest of the course will be face-to-face
Harmonogram 2022
Topic Lecture/seminar
Milestones for the final paper, and deadlines for homework 1 21.02.
Medieval ec. Systém – in Moodle
HW4 2 28.02.
Ancient ec. System – in Moodle
HW5 3 7.03.
Introduction, description of the course, final paper, grading requirements 4 14.03.
Current economic system 1.
Milestone 1. Topic of the paper 5 21.03.
Current economic system 2.
HW1, Milestone 2. Aim of the paper 6 28.03.
Current economic system 3.
HW2 7 4.04.
World economic system
Milestone 3. Literature survey, HW3 8 11.04.
Presentation 1, 2
HW6 9 18.04.
State holiday 10 25.04.
Presentation 3, 4 11 2.05.
Presentation 5, 6
Milestone 4. The main part, argument and discussion 11 9.05.
Presentation 7, 8 12 16.05.
Milestone 5. Final paper submitted
Structure of the course
Class 1. Lecture 1. Introduction. The structure of the course, organisation of the course, lectures, seminars and readings, papers, requirements.
Part I The current economic systems.
Class 2. Lecture 2. The market system versus command system. Main mechanisms and players. The circular flow. Economic cycles. The zero milestone for the final paper – the topic.
Class 3. Lecture 3. The role of money and financial markets in current economic system. The history of money
The first milestone for the final paper – the topic and the aim of the paper
Class 4. Seminar 1. Group work and student presentations
· Inequality
· Social systems
Class 5. Seminar 2. Group work and student presentations
· Political systems
· Civil society
Part II Medieval economic systems
Class 6. Lecture. The second milestone for the final paper – the aim of the paper and the literature survey
Class 7. Seminar
Class 8 Seminar
Part III Ancient economic systems
Class 9. Lecture
Class 10. Seminar. The third milestone for the final paper – the main part, arguments and discussion.
Part IV World economic system according to Immanuel Wallerstein
Class 11. Lecture . World economic system according to Immanuel Wallerstein
Class 12. Seminar. States or corporations as the governing force. History and the current state
Class 13. Exam. The forth milestone for the final paper – the whole paper submission date.
* Required reading: - Bell, Daniel, The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism, New York, BasicBooks, 2001. - Cord, Robert, Keynes, London, Haus, 2007. - Kelbrook, Anthony, Adam Smith, London, Parma, 1998. - Kornai, János, Economics of Shortage, Amsterdam, North-Holland Publ.Comp., 1980. - Moore, Barrington, Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1977. - Schumpeter, Alois, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, London, Allen&Unwin, 1954. - Sraffa Piero, Dobb Maurice, The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, Indianapolis, Liberty Fund, 2004. - Staniszkis, Jadwiga, The Ontology of Socialism, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1992. - Stark, David, Recombinant Property in East European Capitalism, Budapest, Collegium Budapest (Institute for Advanced Study), 1994. - Tucker, Robert, The Marx-Engels Reader, New York, Norton, 1978. * Recommended reading: - Bell, Daniel, The Coming of Post-industrial society: A Venture in Social Forecasting, Harmondsworth, Penguin Books, 1976. - Braudel Fernand, The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1995. - Hayek, Friedrich, The Road to Serfdom, London, Routledge, 1971. - Kornai, János, From Socialism to Capitalism, Budapest, Central European University Press, 2008. - Smith, Adam, The Wealth of Nations, London, Everyman's Library, 1966. - Staniszkis, Jadwiga Post-Communism: The Emerging Enigma, Warsaw, Institute of Political Studies (Polish Academy of Sciences), 1999. - Wallerstein, Immanuel, Antisystemic movements, London, Verso, 1989. - Weber, Max, The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, London, Routledge, 2001.
Cílem kurzu je
1) poskytnout přehled historického vývoje ekonomických systémů na makroúrovni analýzy na přednáškách;
2) diskutovat o konkrétních aspektech ekonomických a sociálních procesů v historicko-sociologickém kontextu při prezentaci studentů a skupinových diskusích;
3) analyzovat konkrétní faktory, které byly spojeny s konkrétními historickými fázemi socioekonomického vývoje a jejich vzájemnými vztahy v studentských dokumentech;
4) zlepšit prezentační a psací dovednosti studentů. Přednášky budou čerpat z vybraných textů z dějin ekonomických teorií i ze sociologických textů týkajících se modernizačních procesů. Budeme také používat existující vysoce kvalitní videoobsah. Kurz bude kombinovat přednášky se studentskými prezentacemi a diskusemi.