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The Formation of the Nation within the Process of European Modernization

Class at Faculty of Humanities |


Lecture 1. Medieval European states and their transformation (from 1000 AD until the end of the High Middle Ages). Feudal system and feudal society (vassalage, fiefs, etc.). Differences between the historical development of Western and Eastern Europe (Western-Latin and Eastern-Orthodox European civilizational spheres).

Davies, N., Europe: a history, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996, pp. 213-290.

Ausubel, H. (ed.), The making of modern Europe, Book 1, The middle ages to Waterloo, New York: Dryden Press, 1951, pp.30-37, 38-46.

Davies, N., Europe: a history, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996, pp. 291-382.  

Lecture 2. Beginnings and prerequisites of formation of a modern state (16th - 18th century).

Bideleux, R., Jeffries, J., A History of Easten Europe. Crisis and Change, London, New York: Routledge, 2002, pp. 123-188.

Bideleux, R., Jeffries, J., A History of Easten Europe. Crisis and Change, London, New York: Routledge, 2002, pp. 263-293.

Hayes, C. J.H., A political and cultural history of modern Europe: in four volumes. Vol. 1. Three centuries of predominantly agricultural society 1500-1830, New York: Macmillan, 1944, pp. 3-46.

Hayes, C. J.H., A political and cultural history of modern Europe: in four volumes. Vol. 1. Three centuries of predominantly agricultural society 1500-1830, New York: Macmillan, 1944, pp. 96-219.

Hayes, C. J.H., A political and cultural history of modern Europe: in four volumes. Vol. 1. A Political and Cultural History of Modern Europe, New York: Macmillan, 1943, pp. 278-319.

Hayes, C. J.H., A political and cultural history of modern Europe: in four volumes. Vol. 1. Three centuries of predominantly agricultural society 1500-1830, New York: Macmillan, 1944, pp. 320-383.

Pánek, J. (eds.), A History of the Czech Lands, Prague: Carolinum Press, 2009, pp. 191-259.

Wandycz, P., The Price of Freedom. A History of East Central Europe from the Middle Ages to the present, 2nd Edition, London, New York: Routledge, 2001, pp.48-104.  

Lecture 3-4. Formation of the modern state in the Late modern period (17th - 18th century): factors and ways of modernisation (unification, linguistic homogenisation etc.)

Hroch, M., European nations: explaining their formation, London, Brooklyn, NY: Verso, 2015, pp. 37-116, 117-161, 195-228.

Hroch, M., In the national interest: demands and goals of European national movements of the nineteenth century: a comparative perspective, Prague: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, 2000.

Hroch, M., Social preconditions of national revival in Europe: a comparative analysis of the social composition of patriotic groups among the smaller European nations, New York: Columbia University Press, 2000.

Pánek, J. (eds.), A History of the Czech Lands, Prague: Carolinum Press, 2009, pp. 263-280.

Wandycz, P., The Price of Freedom. A History of East Central Europe from the Middle Ages to the present, 2nd Edition, London, New York: Routledge, 2001, pp. 105-134.  

Lecture 5-6. Nation and nationalism. National movement as a national emancipation. Typology of a national movement and its phases, periodization etc.

Hroch, M., European nations: explaining their formation, London, Brooklyn, NY: Verso, 2015, pp. 29-36, 229-263.

Hroch, M., In the national interest: demands and goals of European national movements of the nineteenth century: a comparative perspective, Prague: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, 2000  

Lecture 7-8. Demands and goals of national movement (i.e. program of national emancipation from cultural and linguistic to political demands). Nationally relevant conflicts of interest.

Hroch, M., European nations: explaining their formation, London, Brooklyn, NY: Verso, 2015, pp. 117-161, 195-228.

Hroch, M., In the national interest: demands and goals of European national movements of the nineteenth century: a comparative perspective, Prague: Faculty of Arts, Charles University, 2000.  

Lecture 9. The Czech national movement and the specifics of its development.

Hroch, M., "From ethnic group toward the modern nation: the Czech case", in: Nations and Nationalism, vol. 10, no. 1-2, pp. 95-107, 2004,;jsessionid

Hroch, M., Social preconditions of national revival in Europe: a comparative analysis of the social composition of patriotic groups among the smaller European nations, New York: Columbia University Press, 2000.

Pánek, J. (eds.), A History of the Czech Lands, Prague: Carolinum Press, 2009, pp. 282-376.  

Lecture 10. Soviet case of state- and nation formation: soviet nationality policy and national emancipation (BSSR).

Marková, A., The Path to a Soviet Nation. The Policy of Belarusization, Paderborn: Brill Schöningh, 2021.

Martin T., The Affirmative Action Empire. Nations and Nationalism in the Soviet Union, 1923–1939, Ithaca, London: Cornell University Press, 2001.  

Lecture 11. National identity and national history: their role and significance during national movement.

Hroch, M., European nations: explaining their formation, London, Brooklyn, NY: Verso, 2015, pp. 165-194.  

Lecture 12-13.

State- and nation-formation: the final discussion.


The aim of the course is to explain the process of state- and nation-formation in modern and contemporary European history. These processes will be discussed in the context of social, political, economic, and cultural transformation of Europe which took place from 17th till 20th century.

In addition to that the attention will be focused on the processes of the construction of national identity as well as on the special case of Soviet state- and nation-formation.