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Qualitative Research in Oral History

Class at Faculty of Humanities |


<span title="Obsah přednášek:

">Lecture topics:

<span title="1. Kvalitativní výzkum a jeho specifika

">1. Qualitative research and its specifics

<span title="2. Návrh kvalitativního výzkumu

">2. Design of Qualitative Research

<span title="2. Návrh kvalitativního výzkumu

">3.<span title="3. Biografický a narativní výzkum

"> Biographical and narrative research

<span title="4. Paměť v interdisciplinární perspektivě

">4. Memory in interdisciplinary perspective

<span title="5. Kolektivní paměť a identita

">5. Collective Memory and Identity: key concepts

<span title="6. Terénní výzkum a rozhovor

">6. Fieldwork and interview

<span title="7. Etické aspekty kvalitativního výzkumu

">7. Ethical aspects of qualitative research

<span title="8. Analytické a interpretační postupy

">8. Analysis and interpretation of the interviews

<span title="9. Metoda zakotvené teorie

">9. Grounded theory

<span title="10. Diskursivní analýza

">10. Discourse Analysis

<span title="11. Metodologie diplomových prací

">11. Methodology of diploma thesis

<span title="13. Závěrečný test  

">12. Final test (key terms from qualitative research)

<span title="13. Závěrečný test  

">Course form:

<span title="13. Závěrečný test  

">Recommended Reading based on individual consultations with the teacher. The lectures take place only with a minimum number of five students.<span title="13. Závěrečný test  

"><span title="Doporučená literatura:

">Basic recommended literature:

<span title="Doporučená literatura:

">CORBIN, J. - STRAUSS, A.: Basics of qualitative research: Techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory. Thousand Oaks : Sage, 4th ed., 2015.

DENZIN, N. K .: Interpretive Biography. <span title="Newbury Park, London, New Delhi : Sage, 1989.

">Newbury Park, London, New Delhi: Sage, 1989

DENZIN, N. K. - LINCOLN, Y. S. (ed.): Strategies of qualitative inquiry. <span title="Thousand Oaks : Sage, 2003.

">Thousand Oaks: Sage, 4th ed., 2013

FLICK, U. - KARDOFF, E. - STEINKE, I .: Qualitative Forschung: ein Handbuch. <span title="Reinbek bei Hamburg : Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, 2010.

">Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, 2010.

KVALE, S .: Interviews: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing. <span title="Sage Publications, 1996.

">Sage Publications, 1996.

MASON, J .: Qualitative Researching. <span title="Thousand Oaks : Sage, 2002.

">Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2002.

RADSTONE, S. (ed.) Memory and Methodology. <span title="Oxford : Berg, 2000.

">Oxford: Berg, 2000.

RITCHIE, D.: Doing Oral History. <span title="Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003.

">Oxford: Oxford University Press, 3rd ed., 2014.

SILVERMAN, D .: Interpreting Qualitative Data. London: Sage, 5th ed., 2015.

Final exam: Essay (10 pages) on one of the following topics:

Individual and collective memory in oral history interview

Truth and method of its verification in narrative sources

The issue of shared authority in oral history

The role of interdisciplinarity in the interpretation of narrative sources

Fieldwork and ethics in oral history research

New media and oral history interviews: possibilities and limitations of archiving in digital age

Oral history fieldwork in time of crisis (pandemic covid-19, civil war, natural disasters, migration crisis etc.) 

Note: The course is designed only for students of Oral History - Contemporary History study program in English language.


This course deals with the potential employment of qualitative research in the study of oral history. An introduction to a variety of research methods, the course focuses on data processing and analysis, and also academic presentation.