1. Czechoslovak Ocean Shipping Comp. as a research topic publications (educational, fiction, memoirs, non-fiction)
National Archives; Archive of the National Technical Museum; Archive of the Ministry of Transport; Archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Archive of security forces; National Film Archive 2. Czech/Czechoslovak seafarers under Austria-Hungary 3. The beginnings of maritime navigation in Czechoslovakia (interwar period)
Treaty of Versailles
Barcelona Convention (1921)
The Flag and Register of Naval Ships Act (1920)
Ship Legie; Ships of the Baťa company 4. The period after the Second World War
Czechoslovak free port area in Szczecin
Czechoslovak free port area in Hamburg
Metrans Company
Čechofracht Company
First attempts to establish Czechoslovak fleet
Ship Republic (1952) 5. Cooperation with the People’s Republic of China
Protocol on Cooperation (1953)
The first ships operated as part of this cooperation (1954–1960)
Founding of the Czechoslovak Ocean Shipping Company (1959) 6. End of cooperation with the People’s Republic of China
Ship Ostrava (1965)
The War in Vietnam and the end of cooperation with the PRC (1965) termination of the agreement with the PRC on cooperation in the field of maritime transport development (1967) 7. Czechoslovak independent fleet 8. Year 1968 and the Czechoslovak Ocean Shipping
Situation on Ships
“Mutiny” on the ship Kladno
Affair on the ship Košice 9. So-called normalization period in the Czechoslovak Ocean Shipping the course of “normalization” fleet development up to 1989 renewal of cooperation with the People’s Republic of China (1987) 10. Czechoslovak Ocean Shipping after November 1989
The disintegration of the Czechoslovak Federation, division of the company 11. Czech Ocean Shipping Company
New ships
End of company’s running in the 1990s 12. Insight into everyday life on a ship
Transport of arms; the Lidice Ship Affair (1959)
Accidents, crashes, sinking of the ship Pionýr
Seafarer’s profession (qualifications, job description)
Black market trade
Family life
The influence of the communist regime on ships
Předmět představuje historii založení a rozvoj obchodního loďstva v Československu v období po druhé světové válce, a to od prvních idejí, přes založení podniku Československá námořní plavba v roce 1959 až po transformaci loďstva v polistopadovém období. Předmět nabízí komplexní pohled na danou problematiku, od vlivu mezinárodněpolitické situace na rozvoj tohoto pro Československo netypického dopravního odvětví až po každodennost života na námořní lodi.