Detailní sylabus, včetně aktuální podmínek atestace, je vložen ve složce Soubory. Kurz je v průběhu LS 2024 inovován, povinná literatura bude dodána postupně, nicméně vždy v dostatečném předstihu. 1. hodina Představení kurzu, uvedení do tématu. Monokultury - Antropocén – Plantážocén (27. 2.)
Povinná četba:
Tsing, Anna L. A Threat to Holocene Resurgence is a Threat to Livability. In BRIGHTMAN, Marc and LEWIS, Jerome. The Anthropology of Sustainability: Beyond Development and Progress. London: Palgrave, 2017, pages 51–65. a
Haraway, D. (2015). "Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Plantationocene, Chthulucene: Making Kin." Environmental Humanities 6: 159-165. 2. hodina Infrastruktury (5. 3.)
Povinná četba
Appel, H. “Infrastructural Time,” in Anand, Gupta, and Appel (eds.) The Promises of Infrastructure, Durham: Duke University Press, pp. 41–61. 3. hodina Ruiny (12. 3.)Povinná četba Stoler, A.L. 2016. "Imperial Debris and Ruination," in Duress: Imperial Durabilities in our Times. Durham: Duke University Press, 336-379. 4. hodina Odpad (19. 3).
HOST Daniel Sosna 5. Thick Landscapes: Delicate Cohabitions in a Central European Conservation Area.
HOST Marcus Rudolfi (26. 3.) 6. hodina Voda (2. 4.)
Povinná četba 7. hodina Sucho – představení projektu Příběhy sucha (9. 4.)
Povinná četba www.pribehysucha.cz 8. hodina Toxicita: radioaktivita a duchové minulosti (16. 4.)
Povinná práce:
Přednáška https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDgK70JkTTs
Poslechněte si přednášku M. Murhpy (následný rozhovor již nemusíte, ale doporučuji, jsou tam zajímavé momenty). Poznamenejte si klíčové koncepty, které Murphy zmiňuje, a najděte si, co znamenají. (Např. molecular byrocracy (více viz. Hepler-Smith, Evan. 2019. Molecular Bureaucracy: Toxicological Information and Environmental Protection. Environmental History. 24. 534-560. 10.1093/envhis/emy134), petrocapitalism (více viz Johnson, R. O. 2019. A Lot Like War: Petrocapitalism, “Slow Violence,” and the Struggle for Environmental Justice. Social Justice, 46(1 (155)), 105–118), alterlife (více viz Murphy, Michelle. 2017. “Alterlife and Decolonial Chemical Relations.” Cultural Anthropology 32, no. 4: 494–503, https://doi.org/10.14506/ca32.4.02 ) 9. hodina Anthropology of Futures (23. 4.)
Povinná četba 10. hodina Angažovaná antropologie (navazuje na moje Sucho a na Anthropology of Futures) (30. 4.)
Povinná četba 11. hodina Průmysl popírání klimatické změny
HOST Vojtěch Pecka (7. 5.)
Povinná četba:
Oreskes, N. A Conway, E. „Introduction“, „Chapter I – Doubt is Our Product“ in Merchants of Doubt: how a handful of scientists obscured the truth on issues from tobacco smoke to global warming. Bloomsbury Press. Pp.1-35.
Povinná četba ke kurzu
Appel, H. “Infrastructural Time,” in Anand, Gupta, and Appel (eds.) The Promises of Infrastructure, Durham: Duke University Press, pp. 41–61.
Haraway, D. (2015). "Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Plantationocene, Chthulucene: Making Kin." Environmental Humanities 6: 159-165.
Oreskes, N. A Conway, E. „Introduction“, „Chapter I – Doubt is Our Product“, „Chapter VI – The Denial of Global Warming“ in Merchants of Doubt: how a handful of scientists obscured the truth on issues from tobacco smoke to global warming. Bloomsbury Press. Pp.1-35, 169-215.
Stoler, A.L. 2016. "Imperial Debris and Ruination," in Duress: Imperial Durabilities in our Times. Durham: Duke University Press, 336-379.
Tsing, Anna L. A Threat to Holocene Resurgence is a Threat to Livability. In BRIGHTMAN, Marc and LEWIS, Jerome. The Anthropology of Sustainability: Beyond Development and Progress. London: Palgrave, 2017, pages 51–65.
Doporučená četba
Escobar, Arturo (2006). „Difference and Conflict in the Struggle over Natural Resources: A Political Ecology Framework“, Development, Vol. 3, 6-13
Lien, Marianne Elisabeth. 2017. “Unruly Appetites: Salmon Domestication “All the Way Down””. Pp. m107-m124, in Anna, TSING, Heather SWANSON, Elaine GAN, Nils BUBANDT (eds.). Arts of Living on a Damaged Planet. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Pres.
Limpert, M. 2010. In the Time of Oil: Piety, Memory, and Social Life in an Omani Town. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Murphy, M. 2008. “Chemical Regimes of Living.” Environmental History 13 (4): 695-703.
Taussig, Michael. 2018.Palma Africana. Chicago, IL: Chicago University Press.
The course introduces certain topics from recent and contemporary environmental anthropology). It presupposes knowledge of history of socio-cultural as well as environmental anthropology.