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Parasitology and Infection Biology

Study programme at Faculty of Science |
🇬🇧 NMgr.


A graduate has professional knowledge of parasitic and pathogenic organisms (e.g., viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, helminths, and arthropods) causing infectious diseases in humans and domestic/farm animals; particularly about diagnosis, detection, pathogenicity, epidemiology, and lifestyle. Has knowledge, practical experience and skills related to the general methodology of biological work and specialized methods used in cell/molecular biology, immunology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, and epidemiology.

Can solve theoretical and practical problems related to diagnostic, research and control of parasites and other agents of infectious diseases at a multidisciplinary level, both in health care (e.g., diagnostic lab) and basic/applied research, as well as in the commercial sphere of the pharmaceutical industry and biotech companies.