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Appellated anthroponyms in Bulgarian and Czech languages

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The process, in which a proper name loses its proprial function and moves into the class of common nouns, is nominated appellation. The basic mechanisms, enabling this transition, are the metaphor and the metonymy, and the basic sources – the anthroponyms (юда / jidáš, меценат / mecenáš), toponyms (дамаска / damašek) and chrematonyms (ксерокс / xerox).

In specialized terminology the appellated names are introduced on purpose and have the character of international words with nominative function (ом /ohm, ват /watt). In contrastive plan the stylistically marked appellated names of both domestic and foreign origin, spontaneously sprung up and imposed by the uzus (байганьо, гаврош, janek, grázl), are of particular interest.