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Shoah in the public opinion of Czech Jews

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The text analyzes reflections on the Shoah in the public opinion of the Jews after the Second World War. In the immediate post-war period the Shoah was called a Jewish catastrophe (tragedy).

After the Communist revolution (February 1948), the Shoah was interpreted as a result of Munich and/or treachery of the domestic and foreign bourgeoisie which denied a connection to the Bolshevik Soviet Union. The victims of racial discrimination were celled victims of international capitalism.

In the relaxed atmosphere of the 60´s the Shoah was the center of criticism by the majority of society, whish allegedly was not capable of grieving with the minority. In the era normalization only the Theresienstadt subject was tolerated.

After 1989, insufficient reflection on the problem took the form of overwhelming criticism of totalitarianism. The Shoah was again considered an unprecedented occurrence which contributes to identifying the danger of new intolerance.