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Transbronchial lung biopsy in diagnosis of bronchial pathologies

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Aim of the study was to compare quality of transbronchial (TBLB) lung biopsy and endobronchial (EBLB) lung biopsy in 30 patients with severe asthma (n=11), mild asthma (n=13) and persisting cough (n=6). We supposed hypothesis of better quality of TBLB in evaluation of bronchial pathology than in EBLB.

In 25 patients was possible to evaluate all etages of bronchial wall, in 14 cases was possible to compare EBLB head to head to TBLB, in 7 cases was evaluated only TBLB and in 2 cases only EBLB was evaluable. Our results showed better yield of TBLB in evaluation of epithelial changes, in EBLB was epithelial layer frequently abrupt and damaged.

TBLB showed in 2 cases unexpected alveolar pathology (emphysema, coniofibrosis) that led to subsequent therapeutic impact. Both TBLB and EBLB is a safe procedure, we did not record any complication.