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Non-traditional Information Resources in Education: The Impact of Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) to Information Resources and Evaluation of Knowledge Transfer

Publication at Charles University, Faculty of Arts |


In a learning process there is a shift away from direct "push" teaching and hierarchy, where only teacher transfers his knowledge, to "pull", where interactions take place at the level of cooperation, where each participant has a unique role in almost flat and non-hierarchical structure of relationships, even with the support of so-called "web 2.0" applications and services. As a result there is a turn away from the closed Learning Management Systems, which clearly cause the "creepy treehouse" effect, means lack of confidence in a controlled environment, and efforts to share the Personal Learning Environment of each individual.

This distributed approach, however, increases demands on the system of assessment of learning outputs and outcomes, evaluation of knowledge transfer and last but not least there is a need to redefinine the whole concept of "information resource" and assessment of the relevance of such resources.