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Činoherní studio theatre in Ústí nad Labem in the Velvet Revolution

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


In the events of the Velvet Revolution the Czech Theatre had a very important role. The function of the theatre Činoherní studio in Ústí nad Labem was crucial, because the theatre people were, together with the students of rather small Faculty of Education, the only protagonists of the revolutionary events in the town.

At the example of Činoherní studio is possible to show the model of functioning of the theatres in revolution, but there are also the specific features caused by its distance from the centre of revolution - Prague - and by the peculiar character of the town. The theatre Činoherní studio participated in all aspects of revolutionary movement - information of people through leaflets, visits in factories and discussions with audience instead of regular show; organization of protest rallies in the town; foundation of the Civic Forum and participation in the official political negotiations.