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The Beginninigs of Czech-Vienesse and Czech-Croatian Minority Literatures: Croatian and Vienesse Czechs in Literature

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Czech minorities in Vienna and today''s Croatia have developed in different conditions visible in their literary production. Vienna was in a close contact with Bohemian countries which, made possible for less known Vienesse authors, but also for writers, such as e.g.

B. Němcová or J.

S. Machar, to well connect with the milieu.

Minority literature in Croatia, though, was created much later; it was secluded and far away from the course of events in the Bohemian countries. Czech literature had little chance to influence its development.

Croatian minority literature was, in fact, only little touched by the then Czech literature. This was due to different events, reasons of fluctuation and life conditions.