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Effect of citrates on sport climbing performance

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The aim of the study was to evaluate the influence of alkalising agents on repeated bouts performance in sport climbing. Six advanced climbers undertook the application of citrates or placebo in two days after cross-over double blind design.

There was found a significantly lower decrease in repeated performance after citrates ingestion (citrates: average decrease in performance between second and third trial 4 movements; placebo: the average decrease by 13 movements) F1.10=5.37 p=0.04 η2=0.35. There were not found significant differences in the blood lactate or the cardiac frequency.

According to our results, alkalising supplements can participate on the delaying of fatigue in the repeated bouts sport climbing performance. In spite of some methodological concerns, the possibility of the results generalization is disputable.