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Prospects of Standard Czech

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Instead of a discussion between linguists themselves, especially between adversaries and supporters of the standing remnants and consequences of purism, many specialists in Czech prefer to turn to speakers of Czech, reproaching them for their continuing usage of language varieties that have not been acknowledged as “literary” by the monopolistic codification. A long continuation of discussions among linguists thus will be needed to overcome the post-purist dilemma concerning Standard Czech.

Conditions for a transition from the present majority approach based on traditions concerning French and German to an approach closer to that proper to Anglo-Saxon linguistics are strengthened by the existence of large text corpora, with which it is possible to get better knowledge of the actual usage of morphemic and other forms. The intuition of speakers, underlying their linguistic behaviour, should be distinguished from intuition of linguists, which served as the starting point of description of Czech up to the