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Anatomical terminology - history and current problems

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Third Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Arts |


There is a strict differentiation between terminology and nomenclature (official and obligatory in Latin form as early as 1895) in anatomy in comparison to the majority of other scientific branches. To facilitate easy communication not only within the scientific field but also beyond its borders it is necessary to develop and apply unified terminology.

The long history of anatomical terminology dates back to ancient Greece. Its modern history started with edition of the Basiliensia Nomina Anatomica in 1895 in Basel (Switzerland) by Anatomische Gesellschaft.

Successively, next 9 revisions appeared (in years 1935-1998), the very last and only valid now denominated as Terminologia Anatomica. Newly, it is completed with the most used English synonyms.

The development of the Czech anatomical terminology goes back to 14th century. First terms are gathered in the Vocabularium latinobohemicum posoniense