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Interaction of oxygen with Au/Ti(0001) surface alloys studied by photoelectron spectroscopy

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The interaction of oxygen with gold adsorbed on Ti(0001) was studied by synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy. Two kinds of surfaces were explored: as-deposited 0.38, 1.16 and 1.85 monolayer (ML) thick Au overlayers on the Ti(0001) surface, and the same samples after thermal treatment, which resulted in the formation of Au-Ti intermetallic surfaces.

The Ti 3p core level was strongly affected by reaction with oxygen, while the Au 4f core level showed only minor changes other than a decrease in intensity. The Ti 3p peak was fitted with several components which were identified as Ti atoms in different oxidation states, namely TiO, Ti2O3, TiO2 and Ti-OH.

Titanium oxide phase formation is accompanied by Au-Ti bond dissociation and outward diffusion of Ti. The presence of an Au-Ti intermetallic phase on the Ti(0001) surface promotes oxidation of the Ti atoms.