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Photoemission Study of Thymidine Adsorbed on Au(111) and Cu(110)

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The adsorption geometry of the DNA nucleoside thymidine on Au(111) and Cu(110) surfaces has been determined from experimental results of soft X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy. The XPS of C, N, and 0 Is as well as the absorption spectra at the N and 0 K-edges were measured for monolayer thymidine films, and the nature of the bonding with the two metal surfaces has been determined.

The NEXAFS data at the N and 0 K-edge show a strong angular dependence of the pi*/sigma* intensity ratios. We conclude that the thymine moiety is lying nearly parallel to the Au(111) surface, while on the Cu(110) surface, it adsorbs at a steep angle.