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Impacts of the electronic insolvency register on the Czech business environment

Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


This paper discusses the role of a specific part of eJustice - of the electronic Insolvency Register - on the quality of the Czech business environment. The Czech Insolvency Register is, unlike similar registries in other EU Member States, accessible free of charge becoming thus an efficient tool for courts, creditors, debtors and other economic agents.

The paper shows that the implementation of the electronic version of the Insolvency Register has helped to decrease the uncertainty of stakeholders in the insolvency procedure by reducing the problems of asymmetric information and moral hazard that are inherently present in every insolvency procedure. The electronic Insolvency Register influences the efficiency of the insolvency procedure - especially the speed of the process and the size of insolvency recovery rate - and thus indirectly facilitates the return of productive assets back in the economy.

The transparency of the creditor-debtor-court relations in insolvency procedures enhanced by the electronic free-of-charge Insolvency Register leads directly to improvement of the Czech business environment, which is a rather important feature given the ongoing global economic crisis.