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Background, Conditions and History of the Vietnamese Migration to Czech Republic (CSSR)

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Vietnamese migration to Czechoslovakia happened in several waves. The first such movements were planned by the communist states and they were based on the agreements about mutual aid from the mid. 50´s.

However, composition of migrants, their motivation and reasons for leaving the homeland changed over time. The first transits of students and workers were meant to provide import of technology and know-how that could be used for reconstruction of country troubled by war.

After the learning and the work was done, most of the Vietnamese returned home. Situation changed after the fall of the communist regimes in Eastern Europe.

For many Vietnamese the possibility of staying in Europe was a reasonable choice – furthermore, over the years of cooperation, many Vietnamese has started to see CR in a very favorable light. This has lead to a boom of agencies importing cheap labor force.

The article briefly describes history of this migration with regards to actual situation in Vietnam.