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Case report 28

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Girl, 10 years of age with juvenilie idiopatic polyartritis (JIA) has decreased visual acuity (VA). VA RE was 0,4, LE 0,8.

Only distinct pathologic changes of papila et macula on both eyes. But fluorescein angiogramy (FA) demonstrated papilar et macular edema, vasculitis of retina et choroidal vasculature.

Choroiditis in the form of multifocal punctate hyperfluorescent spots was present too. Therapy started with corticosteoid intravenous pulses, continued in form oral steroids.

Most of pathologic changes of the posterior segment disapeared. We recognised rest of this posterior eye segment damage caused by JIA in the form of papilitis et retinal vasculitis.

Humira therapy improved all unusual changes from JIA on posterior segment ad integrum. VA of both eyes is 1,0 after succesful treatment.