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Case report 31

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


The man of age 49 years with extreme decreased visual acuity (VA) his left eye (LE) on 0, 04. Retinal hemorrhages superficial and deep aswell, papilar and macular edema, veins dilatation and tortuosity and cotton wall spots lead as to diagnosis serious retinal vein occlusion caused by decompensated artterial hypertension.

After the compensation of this cause, antitrombotic treatment oral sulodexid and repeated lasercoagulation of sources of leacage from microaneurysms to retinal tissue we reached stabilisation of this retinal damage. Posttreatment figures of the left retina demonstrated resolution of all hemorrhages and cotton wall spots, partial resolution of retinal edema, narrowed retinal veins.

Visual acuity improved to 0,16 after treatment because rest of chronic macular edema ist present. Stabilisation of this retinal damage after compensation of arterial hypertension, antitrombotic treatment and repeated laser treatment.