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Protein alterations induced by long-term agonist treatment of HEK293 cells expressing thyrotropin-releasing hormone receptor and G11alpha protein

Publication at Faculty of Science |


This study aimed to determine protein alterations induced by thyrotropin-releasing hormone in plasma membrane-enriched fraction of HEK293, which was prepared by Percoll gradient centrifugation. The high enrichment in plasma membrane proteins of this preparation was confirmed by a multifold increase in the number of TRH receptors and agonist stimulated G-protein activity, compared to postnuclear supernatant.

Using 2D-electrophoresis we were able to determine 61 altered proteins in this fraction isolated from cells treated with TRH (1x10-5 M, 16 h), some of which belong to antiapoptotic proteins and their increased amount after TRH treatment were in line with the presumed antiapoptotic effect of TRH.