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Multiple step e-learning (MSL), Part 1, Courses creation based on the MSL koncept

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


The multiple step learning (MSL) concept is a way of e-learning course creation which reflects the previous knowledge of enrolled students. The original idea comes from the 3 Step Learning (3SL) concept where the course content is presented in three different levels of details.

Each higher level gives an explanation of the problem using more details than the previous one. The MSL concept develops the idea of leveled knowledge presentation further by not restricting the number of levels to three.

This gives more flexibility to the whole concept. The MSL concept is especially suitable to e-learning courses which need to deal with extreme differences in the entry level knowledge of enrolled students.

With the MSL concept it is also possible to introduce additional or related information to provide students students with a better understanding of interdisciplinary connections.