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Multiple step e-learning (MSL), Part 2, The practical: ultrasound

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


As we mentioned in the previous part of this article, the multiple step learning (MSL) concept is a way of e-learning course creation which reflects the previous knowledge of enrolled students. The original idea comes from the 3 Step Learning (3SL) concept where the course content is presented on three different levels of details.

Every higher level gives the explanation of the problem using more details then the previous one. Based on those concepts we developed the e-learning course Ultrasound.

It is a supportive material for practical lessons from biophysics taught at our medical faculty. In our course we used the advantages of fully individual diverse interactive approach to the tuition of our students.

It allows us to unify different entering knowledge of the enrolled students and enhance preparation for both, the practical lesson Ultrasound and the final exam from the subject Medical biophysics as well.