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Reactions of Ions with Atomic Hydrogen - Experiment

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


A new experiment is designed and build to study reactions of positive and negative ions with atomic hydrogen at low collisional energies. In the experiment the beam of atomic hydrogen is passing through cloud of ions trapped in RF octopole.

Basically the experiment consists from four parts: ion source, atomic beam source, ion trap and ion detector. We use the electron bombardment RF storage ion source with quadrupole mass spectrometer.

Ions formed in the source are mass selected and injected to octopole, where they are trapped. In test experiments hydrogen gas is used to form anions H−.

In the atomic beam source H atoms are created from molecular hydrogen in a RF discharge. The decrease of ion density in the trap due to interaction with H atoms is monitored by MCP.

In the paper details of experimental setup are given and results of test measurements are discussed.