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Relationship between common and hierarchical priesthood

Publication at Catholic Theological Faculty |


The study investigates the relation between the universal and the ministerial priesthood in the perspective of the uniqueness of Christ´s priestly ministry, based on the fact, that the priest is identical to the sacrificed gift. The starting point is an analysis of the doctrine of the Epistle to the Hebrews.

The universal priesthood is treated on the ground of the dicta of the Church Fathers and ancient authors, characterised by a distinct continuity of thought about the notion of the sacrifice presented in the Epistle to the Hebrews. The ministerial priesthood, which is also supported by the Scripture, acts in relation to the universal priesthood in its ministerial role.

Both kinds of priesthood in the Church represent a participation in the unique priesthood of Christ and their mutual relation can be well explained by notions "in persona Christi" and "in nomine Ecclesiae".