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Comparative morphology of the ilium of anurans and urodeles (Lissamphibia) and a re-assessment of the anuran affinities of Nezpercius dodsoni Blob et al., 2001

Publication at Faculty of Science, First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Ilia of anurans (frogs) and urodeles (salamanders) are commonly recovered from microvertebrate fossil localities. Ilia in these clades are distinctive when complete and articulated with the rest of the pelvic girdle, but when preserved as isolated and broken fossils they may appear superficially similar.

Reliable identification of urodele ilia is further hampered by limited information about the basic structure and contacts of the bone and its variation within the clade. Here we demonstrate that the ilium is more variable among urodeles than previously realized and provide the first detailed inventory of features that are potentially useful for differentiating ilia of anurans and urodeles.

Based on the results of our survey, we re-interpret the holotype and two referred ilia of Nezpercius dodsoni (Late Cretaceous; Montana, U.S.A.) as being from an indeterminate urodele, not an anuran as originally described.