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Validity of ataxic patient's international scale

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


Purposes study was find out validity spectrum Scale for the assessment and rating of ataxia (SARA), for the first time publicize in the year 2006, in patients with autosomal dominant spinocerebel ataxia (AD SCA) and ataxia Friedreich (FRDA). Date of acquisition by this one spectrum we are compare with record spectrum International Cooperative Ataxia Rating Scale (ICARS) and correlated with choice posturografickymi characteristics (PP); namely partly near of all investigation patient and after it apart in a group FRDA and AD SCA.

On the whole was investigation 30 patient (17 AD SCA, 13 FRDA). Slip time monitor spectrum ICARS and SARA, then investigation posturography according to standard record on tenzometric equiopmnet Kistler.

Record were statistically processed by the help of test for non-parametric correlation (Kendall' tau_b).