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Comparison of the Muscle Activity during the Run with One or Both Stabilizers in Handicapped Skiers of the Group LW2.

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The paper compares the EMG activity of selected muscles during skiing of the handicapped LW2 skiers in the run with one or both stabilizers. Results of the three case studies show that in selected muscles on the right lower limb (m. gluteus medius, m. tensor fasciae latae, m. adductor longus, m. tibialis anterior, m. gastrocnemius - cap. laterale and mediale, m. peroneus longus) there are significant differences in the EMG activity in the observed runs.

The presumption of the significant difference in the intensity of muscle inclusion between the stated runs has been proved, with the exception to m. gluteus medius. There was a certain increase in the electrical potential during the run with one stabilizer.

However, these differences are in both tested persons insignificant. A significant difference has been measured in the third tested person.